AT10 rubber single tooth synchronous belt

AT10 rubber single tooth synchronous belt

Rubber single toothed synchronous belt

Production materials: glass fiber, neoprene rubber, nylon high tensile cloth

Processing equipment: steam cylinder mold

Delivery period: 1~3 days

Application fields: textile, machine tool, tobacco, communication cable, light industry, chemical industry, metallurgy, instrumentation, food, mining, petroleum, automobile, etc

The AT10 rubber single-sided synchronization belt has a 10mm trapezoidal pitch. They are used in medium-sized drives. The AT10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronous belt is designed to carry 30% more load than the T10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronous belt. The tooth shape of AT is large, which minimizes the deformation of the belt teeth and has a larger area of distribution of the belt load. The AT10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronous belt is further enhanced by the addition of tough yarn. Therefore, the AT10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronization belt is a transmission synchronization belt with high load force.

AT10 rubber single-sided synchronous belt General specifications:

(A)AT10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronous belt raw materials: glass fiber reinforced polyester material, neoprene rubber, nylon high tensile cloth

(2)AT10 rubber single-sided synchronous belt load capacity: 220n/mm(1256lbf/in)

(3)AT10 rubber single-sided synchronous belt breaking strength: > =270n/mm(1542lbf/in)

(4)AT10 rubber single-sided tooth synchronous belt operating temperature range: -40 degrees – 120 degrees

AT10 rubber single-sided synchronous belt tooth spacing:

16 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm, 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm

The width of the AT10 rubber single-sided synchronization belt can be determined according to customer requirements

AT10 synchronous belt identification:

Three parts: Indicates the length, spacing, and width of the belt brought back by the part number. As shown in the following picture. This AT10 rubber single-toothed synchronous belt model has a pitch length of 260mm and a bandwidth of 16mm.


Specifications Pitch length Number of teeth Specifications Pitch length Number of teeth
AT10×920 920 92 AT10×1100 1100 110
AT10×890 890 89 AT10×1080 1080 108
AT10×840 840 84 AT10×1010 1010 101
AT10×800 800 80 AT10×1000 1000 100
AT10×780 780 78 AT10×980 980 98
AT10×730 730 73 AT10×960 960 96
AT10×700 700 70 AT10×3470 3470 347
AT10×660 660 66 AT10×3150 3150 315
AT10×610 610 61 AT10×2000 200 200
AT10×560 560 56 AT10×1940 1940 1494
AT10×500 500 50 AT10×1800 1800 180
AT10×1280 1280 128 AT10×1600 1600 160
AT10×1250 1250 125 AT10×1500 1500 150
AT10×1210 1210 121 AT10×1420 1420 142
AT10×1200 1200 120 AT10×1400 1400 140
AT10×1150 1150 115 AT10×1350 1350 135

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